What a day! What a celebration! Everywhere around the world, people are rejoicing and partying on the most universal and 8 cents of Holidays, 08/08/08!!! Man, I am stoked! To celebrate in style, my son Anvilhead Rudosson and I are heading to Bloomington, IN, then to Cincinnati to see the 8 cent Cincinnati Reds and the 8 cents Houston Astros, and then SPENDING THE NIGHT IN A SUPER 8 MOTEL! On Saturday, we''ll be recovering by going to Big Bone Lick park in Kentucky!
I hope everybody has a safe and happy holiday! Kiss your loved ones. Hug your hated ones! Piss on a tractor! Chew gum off of the sidewalk! Eat a Pot Pie and say a prayer to St. Nasty Ronnie! And remember, IF IT AIN'T 8, IT AIN'T GREAT!!!
Give Me 8 Cents,

give unto me 8 cents... and so it was and so it will be...
you and anvilhead... have a great trip...
I knew you'd be celebrating the Octagonathon in an 8 cent way! Sounds like a great day!
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