Ever since I was a little kid, I have always been fascinated with Canada. While I haven't been north of the border that many times, I feel very much at home in the land of the Canucks. In late September of this year, my darling wife (the immortal Angusette) and I went on an excellent vacation to Maine, Nova Scotia, and Prince Edward Island. I have already waxed on about that in previous posts, so I will spare you any more. However, I do want to talk about Canadian music, another passion of mine.
Of course, I love Canadian Music of all types! Here is who I have been groovin' on lately...
METAL: SIG:AR:TYR and Woods Of Ypres!!! These two have been real big favorites. Both have excellent new albums. Plus, a special thumbs up to Dark Forest, who I have just started listening to. Also way back in the old Suck daze, there was the immortal Sacred Blade, a true classic one album band, if there ever was one. And then there was some ridiculous 8 cent sh*t, like THOR, ANVIL and LEE AARON!!! Whoo-Hoo!
PROG: Oh yeah, I have been digging into some rare stuff here, for sure! Harmonium have been a fave for several years. But I have been chewing into real obscure bands like Maneige, Morse Code, Pollen, Opus 5, Cano, and Sloche. I probably will be posting a homemade compilation of stuff to the blog very soon!
And then there is this.... thing... that I have to confess.... I have become a big Rush fan!!! For 32 years, I *HATED* Rush!!! (Just like coffee and beer, both of which I changed my mind about) And then... and then... thanks to the influence of Astronomo, my curiousity was aroused. Sometimes, sometimes... you just have to FACE YOUR DEMONS!!! And Geddy, Alex, and Neil certainly were DEMONS! I would have rather stuck hot-burning knitting needles in my eyes & ears than listen to Rush! But now I own all of Rush's albums, and I think they are extremely 8 cents! What I like best about them is their sense of humor (and they jam!). More on this phenomena later... someday later!
FOLK: Back when I turned 14 years old, my best friend Sam gave me a Gordon Lightfoot album, "Old Dan's Records." I became a huge fan of the Gord, and collected a couple of his albums from the early 70's. "Don Quixote" is one of the greatest albums I have ever heard, and is duly enshrined in my personal Hall of Fame. I've gone back to these albums over the years, and always cherished them. BUT... I never really dug into his earlier 60's stuff, back when he was primarily a Canadian artist, and even more of a folkie. I picked up one of his early albums, "The Way I Feel," in Halifax in September, and Holy Sh*t! This early stuff is fantastic!!! Way to go the Gord! Now I have been scrambling for all of the albums I didn't have, or actually I already had bought some time ago, but never had listened to yet! (yes, the burden of a MASSIVE music collection)
COUNTRY: Hank "F*&KIN'" Snow (who has already gotten some ink here at R8CM), and the incredible Wilf Carter (aka Montana Slim)! If you want to read about an incredible career, click this link, and read about Wilf!!!

ROCK: Well, I am a huge-i-listic Neil Young fan, have been so for 34 years, what more can I say. I also dig the Cowboy Junkies, Leonard Cohen, the Band, and eeekkkk!!! ... somebody I am almost just as scared to admit as Rush.... and that is Joni Mitchell!Oh God, there has got to be so many more... So many Canadian Gods & Godesses, and so little time! Canadian music people I am *NOT* into: Aldo Nova, Celine Dion, Triumph (only just a matter of time, I guess), Shania Twain, April Wine, Nickelback, etc....
Canadian artists that I haven't gotten into yet, but sure to will at some point: Godspeed You! Black Emperor & Guy Lombardo.
Give Me 8 Cents,